
Important Information - First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit

I prefer not to mix my business (real estate) with this blog, but I think it's important to alert all - particularly my neighbors and friends to an important component of the recently passed economic stimulation package.

This legislation contains an important provision for potential buyers and sellers of homes. For homes that are purchased by “first time home buyers” and “settled” on between January 1, 2009 and December 1, 2009, the federal government will provide up to an $8,000 tax credit to the buyer. The implication to the first time home buyer is obvious – an $8,000 incentive to buy – stimulating qualified buyers who had been hesitant to pursue a home purchase to now do so. And for those who had been holding off putting their house on the market because of the high level of inventory of homes for sale, now may be the time to “list” that property and attract those “new buyers”.

Please share this “good news” with your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers – anyone who might be considering a home purchase or sale - particularly one on or near our beautiful creek.

Want to learn more about this provision? Feel free to call me at your convenience.


Quite the Contrast

Sorry - I've been lax in keeping up with my posts. Took a slight break and headed southwest to Tucson, AZ. What a contrast! Yes - it was warmer. And the desert is amazing. And the people would call the Conodoguinet a major river. Makes one appreciate this special natural resource we have right here in south central PA.