
Creek Clean-up Report

There are many people in our community dedicated to the health of the Conodoguinet. Here's just one example of the efforts of the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association:

Here's an excerpt from the report on the clean-up on July 15. The area cleaned is to the west of Bent Creek Blvd. that flows north, downstream from the PA 114 bridge.

The morning went extremely well…EVERYONE WORKED TOGETHER SUPER WELL AS A TEAM! …except there was so much trash in that stretch that we had both boats filled to unbelievable heights before we got two-thirds of the way finished. The canoe sank once and had to be reloaded. We got out of the creek exhausted at 2:00ish and then had to carry the trash and the boats up that hill. By the time we got the first load on the trailer it was 3:00ish. Twenty-one tires, 2 large, open drums, one 4x8 sheet of 5/8 “ plywood with roofing materials still on it, one 12 foot wooden ladder, lots of old glass bottles and the normal debris!

I want to suggest that in August, we get in at yesterday’s exit point, float down to a little below where we stopped picking up and then work our way back up. We had to leave about 15 tires behind…one washing machine…one tv…one microwave… one wet cell battery…at least three 55 gallon drums with some liquid in them…vinyl siding… lots of old bottles, +, +, +. That stretch had more trash in it than any other stretch that we have cleaned since 1998!!!!!!!!!!

We all can help. As we're paddling, fishing and tubing (or whatever), please make a concerted effort to bring back and dispose of at least one piece of trash you encountered that day. Every little bit helps. Thanks for the consideration.


Kayak Raffle Tickets Available

Kayak Raffle - $1.00/ticket
You can never have enough kayaks if you live on or near a creek.

The Canoe Club of Greater Harrisburg (CCGH) is conducting its annual fundraising raffle to support the volunteer canoe and kayak safety and skills instructional programs they offer.

This year they are raffling a Perception Sound recreational kayak, a paddle and a life vest (all donated by Wildware Backcountry of Harrisburg).

The drawing will be held on September 7, 2009 at the Kipona Festival on the Riverfront in Harrisburg.

If you are interested in supporting the CCGH's efforts, you can purchase a ticket by contacting me (Guy Brunt) via telephone at 579-1613.

Thanks for your consideration.


Please Think of Me..........

Dear Friends - Question for you – Would you feel comfortable introducing me to people who you care about who could use my help?

If so, the next time you’re in a conversation with a family member, friend or neighbor and they mention that they’re considering buying or selling a home (here or elsewhere), would you feel comfortable introducing them to me?

I hope you would. When that happens, please take out your cell phone, look up my number (by the way my cell # is 717-579-1613 if you don’t already have it stored in your phone) and call me immediately. I’d love to help that person.

And yes – thanks for keeping me in mind.