
Welcome Creek Critters

If you're visiting my blog there is a good chance you may be a "Creek Critter" just like me. The creek begins my day when I awaken and open the blinds in the bedroom. The creek is often my first indication of the type of weather we're having - I can tell if it's raining or how cold it might be (ice forming on it). It's also a good indicator of the seasons as the egrets roost in the trees before migrating out or as the other waterfowl take a rest in the slow flowing waters as they migrate north in the spring. The creek reflects the sunrises in the morning and the clouds in the dramatic sky as a storm approaches.

The creek is often my last outside view of the day as the sun sets and I return to the bedroom to close the blinds for the evening hours. Often I'll see the reflection of the moon as it passes through our skies at night. The creek is a big part of my life. It's a natural wonder and provides hour upon hour of enjoyment to me. I hope you have the same appreciation and will stop by this blog ofetn for my updates and to share some of your own. Thanks for visiting. Please come back soon.

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