
Bald Eagle Survey

This e-mail was sent out by Jane Earle, a member of the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jane at her e-mail address below.

To watershed association members and friends:

I have been asked to participate in a winter Bald Eagle survey along the Conodoguinet Creek. It should be done on afternoon of Sunday January 10- or through Jan 14 if snow or weather interferes on Sunday. It would consist of driving to road crossings & along the Creek from Middlesex Twp to the mouth.

Please let me know if you are interested in participating.

Also, please let me know if any of you have seen any Bald eagles along the creek this winter. I saw one flying over the creek and I-81 on Saturday around 2:30 pm while I was heading north on the highway.

Thanks for your help.

Jane Earle

Jane's E-Mail Address is: janeearle7@msn.com

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