
Celebration of Life on the Creek

Creek Lovers - this is pretty special. One of my neighbors in Pine Brook, Linda Sweger, has beautifully documented a very special experience on the Conodoguinet in a whole series of photographs. Below are just a few of the 100+ pictures she is sharing on FLICKR. To see the whole series just click on the following link:
In Linda's words:
"As the last week of waiting for Handsome and Harmony's Eggs to hatch finally passed... I was hopeful on July 13th to observe Harmony was finally HUNGRY. A little after Noon on July 14th we could hear the sound of a Cygnet cheeping.. Within 24 hours all three of the remaining Eggs hatched! Our joy was soon saddened by the loss of two tiny Cygnets. With only one downy Cygnet in the Nest... we spent as much time as possible with the Swans. After a few days the Cygnet was named Meadow."

My thanks to Linda for sharing her special experience with us. Without her bringing this to our attention I would have never had the opportunity to see these majestic birds and their baby on our creek. It's quite a sight.

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