
A "Creek Critter's Rant"

I really don't like to get up on my soap box very often - at least on-line, but I find it difficult to "hold my tongue" when there are those in our communities that have so little regard for our natural resources and their neighbors. Having just returned from a brief sojourn to the southwest (where a creek such as the Conoduguinet would be revered and pampered) I found the creek in my backyard littered with debris. Not debris caused by natural processes, but rather "human-created" inexcusable debris.
I live almost a mile downstream from the nearest bridge. It's possible someone discarded this tire over the bridge and it worked its way downstream over time. It's also possible one of my upstream neighbors disposed of it - I hope that's not the case. Regardless - that person's litter is now my problem. Over my 24 years living on the creek I can't begin to count the number of tires I've removed. Trust me - the tire has been removed and will be disposed of properly.

Litter of a slightly different nature also lodged itself out back. This time there is no question - this was deposited by a creekside dweller. Notice the clean chainsaw cut. Clearly someone was cleaning up their backyard and it was easier to discard the waste in the creek. Now it's in my backyard and despite my best efforts I can not extract this "trash" on my own. As a result it is collecting everything else (grass clippings, other limbs, etc. - yes, grass clippings - probably deposited by the same inconsiderate upstream neighbor).

What don't these people get? They're probably the same folks that dispose of their trash roadside as they drive along our beautiful highways. Perhaps they've always had someone clean up after them. Shame on us for "enabling" their nasty practice by continuing to pick up their trash, but we do it out of respect for our environment. Creek lovers like the members of the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association regularly conduct creek clean-ups. "Creek-loving creek-dwellers" do the same. And the time it takes to clean up after others detracts from the time we have to enjoy this amazing natural resource that we are priveleged to experience.
I apologize again for my "rant". I just hope that someday, somewhere the light will come on for those who lack respect for not only their fellow human beings, but also for our amazing and threatened natural resources.

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