
A small bridge over the Conodoguinet Creek, north of Carlisle, has become a symbol here in Pennsylvania.

Stimulus Plan Marks One-Year Anniversary; Governor Unveils Completed Bridge

Michael Gorsegner Staff reporter
6:32 AM EST, February 17, 2010

NORTH MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, CUMBERLAND COUNTY - Governor Ed Rendell will make a stop at a Cumberland County bridge today, highlighting the work being done with the federal stimulus plan. The plan, pumping billions of dollars in to the nation's economy in hopes of turning things around.

A small bridge over the Conodoguinet Creek, north of Carlisle, has become a symbol here in Pennsylvania. It's a symbol of the money being pumped in to the state from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Now, that symbol will get its full blessing today from Governor Rendell. A sign, he hopes, the economy is getting better.

This was the Route 34 bridge just 8 months ago, under construction and getting a much needed facelift. Today, the bridge is open to traffic and officials say, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is the reason why.

"The recovery act is working. The recovery act is working. It's laying foundation for long term growth for tomorrow," said Vice-President Joe Biden during a stop in Michigan yesterday.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the $787 billion plan. It takes federal money, infusing it into state projects, like the Route 34 bridge. The idea, invest money in to America's infrastructure while creating new jobs.

"Because of the recovery funding, we are able to replace this bridge right now," said Governor Ed Rendell back in June, when Vice-President Joe Biden made his second stop to the Route 34 bridge.

The two touted the construction project as a perfect example of the stimulus money at work. The project price tag was $1.7 million. The money, being used to not only replace the bridge but employ 30 people.

"It's going to put our people back to work. It's going to create jobs, it's going to create wealth in the economy," Rendell said.

To this day, Pennsylvania has been awarded nearly $7 billion in stimulus money, putting an estimated 12,000 people to work. It's work that the Vice-President says may save our economy in the long run.

"it's going take a while to get out of this ditch. But it's working. It's working. The act has succeeded in helping pull us back from the brink," he said.

The Governor is set to make his appearance here today at 1:30 p.m. This event will just be a ceremonial reopening. The bridge has reopened to traffic. That reopening, taking place in November, several months ahead of schedule.

Copyright © 2010, WPMT-TV

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