
Searchin' for Smallies

A great way to spend a late summer Sunday afternoon...

Gazing Ball Fascination

Rode back past the Memorial Garden again today and became fascinated by the great reflection in the gazing ball.  Messed with this a little in Photoshop, but couldn't take myself out of the picture without totally destroying the great image of the garden along the creek in the background.  If anyone has any gazing ball picture techniques that can avoid having the photographer or their camera in the picture, please share.  Enjoy!


Something Very Special Along Our Creek

If you've never visited the Rotary Club Park in Hampden Townsip along Orrs Bridge Rd., stop in sometime. Nestled in along the creek, this shaded area is great for relaxing or taking a stroll along the beautiful creek.

And now there's another reason to visit. A Memorial Garden has been created to honor loved ones who played important roles in our lives. The Garden is found a short walk downstream from the Rotary Park. Its beautiful setting along the creek is a fitting tribute.

More information about the Memorial Garden and the organization behind its creation can be found at


The Fun Continues......

5 minutes ago - 3 mink playing on my creekbank.  Totally cool!


Sunset From Orrs Bridge

He's (she?) Back - Bald Eagle 8:30 am 6/17/10

Heard crazy bird noise out back this morning.  Looked out to see two crows harrassing the bald eagle in flight.  What can they be thinking?  That bad boy is at least 3 to 4 times their size..........


Eagle's Dinner 6/16/10

Early evening sighting of younger bald eagle (some dark markings still evident on its head).  Caught 3 fish and dined across the creek from my backyard on Lamp Post Lane (Hampden Twp - off Orrs Bridge Rd).  2nd sighting in the last couple of weeks.  Quality of pic is a bit lacking - need a higher powered telephoto.


Bald Eagle Sighting

Yesterday (June 10) - in Hampden Township about 3/4 mile downstream from the Orrs Bridge.  Hung out in the trees across the creek from my house for about 1/2 hour.  Wish I had a super-telephoto to get pics, but just had to enjoy the view through binoculars.  A beautiful white head and cape complemented by that distinctive hooked yellow beak.  A sight to behold sitting amongst the trees and then in flight as it moved on.....