
Something Very Special Along Our Creek

If you've never visited the Rotary Club Park in Hampden Townsip along Orrs Bridge Rd., stop in sometime. Nestled in along the creek, this shaded area is great for relaxing or taking a stroll along the beautiful creek.

And now there's another reason to visit. A Memorial Garden has been created to honor loved ones who played important roles in our lives. The Garden is found a short walk downstream from the Rotary Park. Its beautiful setting along the creek is a fitting tribute.

More information about the Memorial Garden and the organization behind its creation can be found at

1 comment:

  1. Your photography is beautiful, Guy. I thank you for including special mention of the Passion for Mother's Flowers Memorial Garden launch May 8, 2010. Each Mother's Day Saturday, we will hold a Plant-and-Remember Ceremony at the site to honor loved ones lost to cancer. Photos, memorials, and poetry from the 2010 Ceremony are available at our web site
