
What Can We As Homeowners Do?

A couple days ago I included the "As I See It" piece on the proposed "Buffer 100" bill that was published in the Patriot News. If you appreciate our "Creek" as I do I’m sure you’re concerned about its health and the health of the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay.

There have been a couple of follow-up pieces to that column from the other day and it concerns me that as is typical human nature, everyone is pointing the finger elsewhere trying to affix the "major contributor" label to someone else. My take – "Get over it guys. I don’t care who the "major" contributor is. We’re all contributors and we each need to take responsibility to fix our own problems. The sum of each of our contributions (regardless of how big or small) will result in a whole lot of positive benefit to the health of our waters".

That said, what can you and I do on our own properties to reduce the impact our "little pieces of heaven on earth" have on our Creek and its associated bodies of water? I’m guilty of not doing enough and I suspect many of you may be too. Perhaps sharing in this blog what we have done or what we can do will help stimulate new opportunities and action that will help us to individually contribute to the solution.

I invite readers to share their thoughts or ideas with the others reading this blog. For now, please forward those comments to me at via e-mail at and I’ll include them in future updates to this site. Thanks. I look forward to your input.

1 comment:

  1. It's simple. Plant a variety of native plants along the stream bank and remove invasive speices.
