
Shutting Down URL and Activity for This Page

It's been my pleasure to share my perspectives and enjoyment of our wonderful Creek. As my wife and I prepare to head to the southwest (where water is even more precious) I will be discontinuing activity on this site effective 11/1/10. The URL will cease to exist in the very near future.  The content from this page will be available at
for those who desire access for historical (or hysterical) purposes. Thanks for following...... /guy

Our Life Along the Creek is Drawing to a Close

To the readers/followers of this blog/website - many may know - some may not - after nearly 26 years living along the Creek, my wife and I are preparing to move on. You may have noticed my postings to this site have come to a virtual standstill. Preparations are underway for our move to our next "great adventure" in Tucson, AZ - yes - virtually waterless Tucson.  :)

Most of my attention has been focused on finding employment in Tucson and preparing our house on the Creek for sale. If you have any contacts in Tucson, please let me know ( - I'm working hard at expanding my network of contacts in that area. Likewise - should you know of anyone interested in living in Pine Brook (Hampden Twp) on the Creek, tell them to be on the lookout for the "For Sale" signs which hopefully will be "popping up" sometime in November.

I have enjoyed sharing insights and photos of our Creek, it's "critters" and the surrounding area. We will miss the Creek, but also look forward to experiencing desert life in our future home.

Thanks to all who have contributed to our wonderful experience along the Creek.  /guy

Cleaning Debris from the Orrs Bridge 9-16-10


Postcard on ebay 8-1-10

Carlisle Pennsylvania 1949
Conodoguinet Creek

Great 1949 view of Conodoguinet Creek seen looking West from the top of Cave Hill, just north of Carlisle Pennsylvania.


Civil War-era Shell Found in Conodoguinet

Civil War-era shell causes lockdown at Army Heritage and Education Center

Published: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 4:18 PM Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 8:46 PM


A Civil War-era shell which a man tried to donate to the Army Heritage and Education Center caused a lockdown of the facility for about an hour Monday when employees thought the shell might be live. Jack Giblin, education director, said the man was trying to donate the shell, which he found in the Conodoguinet Creek, but a security guard recognized that it could still be dangerous.

Employees cordoned off the area and called the Carlisle Army Barracks, which notified Pennsylvania State Police. The shell was taken to a bomb disposal unit in Maryland. Giblin said he did not know if the shell was live, but it was treated as such as a safety precaution.

It's not unusual for munitions that old to still have the potential to explode, Giblin said. "Shells found in Europe and Asia dating from the 13th or 14th centuries have been found to be live," he said. "As long as they don't get wet."

The shell was plugged, which means the powder inside could still be dry, Giblin said.


Creek Clean-Up July 17

Volunteers are needed for the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association and the Mechanicsburg Area Environmental Club’s creek cleanup from 8:45 a.m. to noon July 17.

Volunteers should assemble at the Willow Mill Park pavilion. A van will transport volunteers to the work site and back.

Sturdy shoes, sunscreen and a hat are recommended.


"Let Freedom Ring"

wishing you a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.....


Searchin' for Smallies

A great way to spend a late summer Sunday afternoon...

Gazing Ball Fascination

Rode back past the Memorial Garden again today and became fascinated by the great reflection in the gazing ball.  Messed with this a little in Photoshop, but couldn't take myself out of the picture without totally destroying the great image of the garden along the creek in the background.  If anyone has any gazing ball picture techniques that can avoid having the photographer or their camera in the picture, please share.  Enjoy!


Something Very Special Along Our Creek

If you've never visited the Rotary Club Park in Hampden Townsip along Orrs Bridge Rd., stop in sometime. Nestled in along the creek, this shaded area is great for relaxing or taking a stroll along the beautiful creek.

And now there's another reason to visit. A Memorial Garden has been created to honor loved ones who played important roles in our lives. The Garden is found a short walk downstream from the Rotary Park. Its beautiful setting along the creek is a fitting tribute.

More information about the Memorial Garden and the organization behind its creation can be found at


The Fun Continues......

5 minutes ago - 3 mink playing on my creekbank.  Totally cool!


Sunset From Orrs Bridge

He's (she?) Back - Bald Eagle 8:30 am 6/17/10

Heard crazy bird noise out back this morning.  Looked out to see two crows harrassing the bald eagle in flight.  What can they be thinking?  That bad boy is at least 3 to 4 times their size..........


Eagle's Dinner 6/16/10

Early evening sighting of younger bald eagle (some dark markings still evident on its head).  Caught 3 fish and dined across the creek from my backyard on Lamp Post Lane (Hampden Twp - off Orrs Bridge Rd).  2nd sighting in the last couple of weeks.  Quality of pic is a bit lacking - need a higher powered telephoto.


Bald Eagle Sighting

Yesterday (June 10) - in Hampden Township about 3/4 mile downstream from the Orrs Bridge.  Hung out in the trees across the creek from my house for about 1/2 hour.  Wish I had a super-telephoto to get pics, but just had to enjoy the view through binoculars.  A beautiful white head and cape complemented by that distinctive hooked yellow beak.  A sight to behold sitting amongst the trees and then in flight as it moved on.....



Creek Clean-Up May 15

On, Saturday, May 15th, from 8:45 until noonish, the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association and the Mechanicsburg Area Environmental Club will be hosting their first creek cleanup of 2010.

Please mark your calendar. We need all of the help that we can get. Consider inviting your friends.

We will start off in 2010 by cleaning the section of the Conodoguinet Creek between a log cabin 100 yards downstream from the Rich Valley Golf/ I81Bridge. We will exit on Beechcliff Drive.

Before 8:45, we will park our vehicles and assemble by the Willow Mill Park pavilion. Vans will then transport all volunteers to the “entry point”. Upon completion, the vans will drive us back to our vehicles in Willow Mill Park.

Directions to the Willow Mill Park Pavilion: Take Route 114 north from the Carlisle Pike. After the first traffic light, get in the left lane. At the 2nd traffic light turn left onto Willow Mill Park Road. Proceed to the stop sign at the old mill. Keep right. After passing the mill, stay to your right. Enter the park. Continue staying to the right.

If the pavilion is rented that day, we will ask you to park beyond the pavilion in the grass.

Consider wearing sturdy creek shoes, sun block, a hat with a visor, and appropriate gloves. The objects in the water and the creek's shale bed can be dangerously sharp.

Please ask others to help out! This is a very worthwhile/satisfying way to spend your best Saturday morning, ever.

See you on May 15th in the creek.

Paul Garrett, creek cleanup leader; (h) 737-2554, (c) 514-3546, e-mail


The Colors of the Creek

An overcast "post-rain" spring morning makes the fresh colors "pop" along the creek.  Other evidence that spring is well underway - the return and sighting of our first hummingbirds for 2010.


Floating the Creek

Looking to organize a flotilla down the mighty Conodoguinet this summer. One of my neighbors identified a source for innertubes - last year Highlands Tire in Carlisle was selling them for $20 each, perfectly good innertubes for either floating or snow, and they'll last a heck of a lot longer than anything available through Toys-R-Us or elsewhere. Might be worth giving them a call. Link is:


Smallmouth in Conodoguinet

Work around our homes to benefit the environment

By Letters to the Editor,  The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, PA

April 18, 2010, 1:49AM

For generations, the common wisdom was to slope yards and streets to move precipitation away from properties and into nearby streams as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, the salts, other de-icing chemicals, stuff we put on our lawns and miscellaneous street drippings and droppings also are flushed into these small water bodies that can poison aquatic life.

Recent memory includes the winter flood of 1996 when a torrent of ice coming down the Susquehanna River took out part of the Walnut Street Bridge. Hundreds of small tributaries draining water quickly from neighborhoods and farms throughout the Susquehanna basin contributed to a raging river whose damage is still visible today.

Altering the effects of large storm events or ice jams breaking loose might be beyond the control of us mere mortals. However, we can have a measurable impact on smaller, more regular flooding episodes. In the last few years, a new approach to rainwater and snowmelt has started to emerge --- slow down the runoff and hold on to precipitation as long as possible.

The Yellow Breeches, Conodoguinet, Paxton and Swatara creeks don't need to be muddy, roaring rages every time it rains. If each of us tried to imitate nature around our homes and worked to help neighbors and government properties to do the same, more fish would swim, more birds would sing and our watersheds would be much healthier.

Appalachian Audubon Society

From - The Conodoguinet

The Conodoguinet creek is a magnificent, and diverse fishery, which flows from it's origins in Horse Valley until it meets the Susquehanna river in West Fairview. Weaving a path through gorgeous countryside in Franklin and Cumberland counties, the Conodoguinet is a canoeist and kayakers paradise during spring and summer, as well as being one of the best smallmouth bass streams in the state. Spanning nearly 90 miles of the midstate, running through rural and suburban locations, this creek has something for everyone.

To read the complete comment, please click on the link that follows:

Pennsylvania DEP to Begin Black Fly Spray Program

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 15 –

More than 1,500 Miles of Waterways to be Monitored, Treated

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Recent mild weather has prompted an early start to the Department of Environmental Protection's black fly spray program, an annual effort to limit the number of gnats that pose a nuisance during outdoor activities.

"It is an annual rite of spring in Pennsylvania," said DEP Secretary John Hanger. "The warm weather is an invitation for everyone to venture outdoors and enjoy our state's natural beauty. Unfortunately, the pesky black flies, also known as gnats, are starting to emerge, too. Because of the unseasonably warm temperatures we experienced in recent weeks, eggs have hatched and larvae are developing rapidly. This has prompted DEP to begin the spraying program a bit earlier than usual."

Hanger said spraying will begin on Friday, April 16. This year, 46 rivers and streams spanning more than 1,500 miles in 32 counties will be monitored and treated as needed.

To read the complete story, please click on the link below to take you to the source document:


Creek Cleanup May 15

On, Saturday, May 15th, from 8:45 until noonish, the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association and the Mechanicsburg Area Environmental Club will be hosting their first creek cleanup of 2010.

Please mark your calendar. We need all of the help that we can get. Consider inviting your friends.

We will start off in 2010 by cleaning the section of the Conodoguinet Creek between a log cabin 100 yards downstream from the Rich Valley Golf/ I81Bridge. We will exit on Beechcliff Drive.

Before 8:45, we will park our vehicles and assemble by the Willow Mill Park pavilion. Vans will then transport all volunteers to the “entry point”. Upon completion, the vans will drive us back to our vehicles in Willow Mill Park.

Directions to the Willow Mill Park Pavilion: Take Route 114 north from the Carlisle Pike. After the first traffic light, get in the left lane. At the 2nd traffic light turn left onto Willow Mill Park Road. Proceed to the stop sign at the old mill. Keep right. After passing the mill, stay to your right. Enter the park. Continue staying to the right.
If the pavilion is rented that day, we will ask you to park beyond the pavilion in the grass.
Consider wearing sturdy creek shoes, sun block, a hat with a visor, and appropriate gloves. The objects in the water and the creek's shale bed can be dangerously sharp.

Please ask others to help out! This is a very worthwhile/satisfying way to spend your best Saturday morning, ever.

See you on May 15th in the creek.
Paul Garrett, creek cleanup leader; (h) 737-2554, (c) 514-3546, e-mail

P.S. Reminder that Paul Garrett will be out of town for the June cleanup. Someone else can head it up or we skip to July. Please keep me in the loop, as you make that decision.


Hydrologic Information

If you've never visited it before you might want to check out:
where you can learn all kinds of interesting things about the Creek.


Let The Floats Begin!

What a weekend - always brings the early season kayakers out......


Appalachian Trail Museum Opening on June 5

My friends at the Cumberland County Visitors Bureau just alerted me to this interesting opportunity for those who appreciate the outdoors.  The Trail crosses and runs along the Creek at at least one point (Bernheisel Bridge area).
CARLISLE, PA (March 18, 2010) - Midway along the 2,147-mile long Appalachian Trail between Maine and Georgia is a beautiful stone grist mill that is being restored. Once restoration is completed, it will be opened as the trail's official museum -- a tribute to the more than 9,000 hikers who have hiked the AT from start to finish and thousands of others who have enjoyed hiking portions of it. The museum opening will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 5, 2010, in Gardners, Pennsylvania, roughly 15 miles west of historic Gettysburg and eight miles from Interstate 81. Pine Grove State Park is the museum's neighbor. Both are on Pennsylvania Route 233, off U.S. 30 (Lincoln Highway).

The possibilities for stories are extensive -- history, travel, backpacking, conservation, families, fitness, outdoors, photography and even fashion. The museum website is You also may be interested in talking with Larry Luxenberg, author of Walking the Appalachian Trail and president of the Appalachian Trail Museum Society.


"Possum Watch

Friends of the Conodoguinet might be interested to know about this special group/effort.  Click on the link below to access a recent newsletter.


What would you like in your water?

What would you like in your water?

Lemon? Perhaps. But you are likely to get much more. Sewage from overtaxed and outdated sewer systems. Runoff from city streets. Excess fertilizer from suburban lawns. Manure from farm animals. All of this runs into our rivers and streams and, for much of the state, eventually winds up in the Chesapeake Bay.

It's actually pretty amazing that our sewage treatment plants are able to clean up our water so that it's drinkable. But we haven't been able to protect our rivers and streams for swimming and boating, and fish are getting scarce. And the further downstream you go, the worse the problems are.

Getting the Chesapeake Bay healthy again means we have to restore the health of the Juniata, Conodoguinet, Octoraro, Loyalsock and Susquehanna rivers and their tributaries, which flow into the Bay. It's going to take work and targeted investments, but the payoff will be felt throughout the Pennsylvania, and all the way down to the Bay.

This problem isn't new. In fact, our entire region has been promising to fix it for more than 25 years. Unfortunately, those promises have mostly just been promises, without much action. And the Chesapeake Bay and all the waters leading into it have gotten dirtier and dirtier.

For too many years, different groups and different regions played the blame game rather than taking responsibility for the harm they caused to the Bay. Those finger pointing days are now over, and there are three new strategies and new funding so that everyone can take this issue on. And rather than rely on promises, the new strategies provide incentives to do the right thing, and penalties for those who don't.

First off, the federal courts have stepped in. There is now a court ordered plan - everyone must go on a pollution diet. All of the states must develop a plan (called a Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDL) by the end of this year, showing how and where they will cut pollution to avoid going over their pollution cap.

Second, the Obama Administration has issued an Executive Order requiring all the departments of the federal government to develop a far-reaching strategy to protect and improve the Chesapeake Bay. This includes increasing public access, protecting natural resources, improving water quality, adapting to climate change.

Finally, there is comprehensive legislation in Congress that will give everyone involved in fixing the problem much of the funding needed to actually clean up our waters. The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act, introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin and Rep. Elijah Cummings to expand the Chesapeake Bay cleanup program, will help us stay on our the court-ordered TMDL pollution diet. The bill makes everyone involved accountable for cleanup, and provides federal oversight for restoring clean water in our region. It also uses a market- based approach, rewarding those who meet the pollution reduction goals, and provides $1.5 billion in funding and technical assistance to our farmers and municipalities in order to meet the cleanup goals mandated under the court-ordered TMDL. Unfortunately, no member of the Pennsylvania delegation has agreed to cosponsor this legislation - yet.

The fact is, the TMDL pollution diet is coming, whether this legislation is passed or not. Signing on to the bill will mean we get the funding we desperately need to comply with the courts' order. With it, we'll get technical assistance, but without it, we're on our own. Supporting the bill seems like a no-brainer to us.

After all, wouldn't it be nice to know that the only thing in your water is lemon?

Anxious to Get On The Water

Stumbled upon this post in another water lover's blog (link at bottom of page).  Reading it makes me want to do the same.......

Test Float On The Conodoguinet

March 4, 2010

By Perry

This summer I’m hoping to paddle the length of The Susquehanna River starting just north of PA’s New York border and finishing more than 300 miles later where the river feeds into The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. I hope to do it in about a week. That will require me being in my kayak for 12ish hours covering about 50 miles a day. While backpacking I hike for 12 hours a day, but this is different, I have no clue if I can sit on my butt and paddle for that length of time so I’ve planned some test/training floats to see how it goes. The weatherman is promising 50° this weekend so my test float planned for the 27th has been moved up(my spring fever helped with the date change too).

Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 49. North wind around 10 mph.
Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 50.

The Conodoguinet Creek bends through Cumberland County eventually dumping into The Susquehanna River at West Fairview, PA.

I see the creek every day on my work commute and it looks to be running fast and high, which is cool. I’ll put in near Carlisle, PA, cutting the trip short slightly but avoiding a dam that would require a difficult portage. The trip will be just shy of 37 miles adding a little more if I continue down the Susquehanna to City Island. I’ll make that decision as I get closer to West Fairview, based on daylight and fatigue.

It’ll be cold in the morning and the water will be cold all day. I don’t own a wet suit, but I’ve amassed some water proof gear to keep me dry and warm. Today the UPS man brought a sprayskirt, the last tool I needed to facilitate the trip. It fits my Wilderness Systems Pungo 140 like a glove (in fact it was damned hard to get on the boat – tight as a drum), keeping the water out of the boat and keeping me dryer and warmer.

I hope to be Tweeting, Facebooking and blogging along the way – we’ll see how well my fingers work on my phone while wearing neoprene gloves – stay tuned.



A small bridge over the Conodoguinet Creek, north of Carlisle, has become a symbol here in Pennsylvania.

Stimulus Plan Marks One-Year Anniversary; Governor Unveils Completed Bridge

Michael Gorsegner Staff reporter
6:32 AM EST, February 17, 2010

NORTH MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, CUMBERLAND COUNTY - Governor Ed Rendell will make a stop at a Cumberland County bridge today, highlighting the work being done with the federal stimulus plan. The plan, pumping billions of dollars in to the nation's economy in hopes of turning things around.

A small bridge over the Conodoguinet Creek, north of Carlisle, has become a symbol here in Pennsylvania. It's a symbol of the money being pumped in to the state from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Now, that symbol will get its full blessing today from Governor Rendell. A sign, he hopes, the economy is getting better.

This was the Route 34 bridge just 8 months ago, under construction and getting a much needed facelift. Today, the bridge is open to traffic and officials say, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is the reason why.

"The recovery act is working. The recovery act is working. It's laying foundation for long term growth for tomorrow," said Vice-President Joe Biden during a stop in Michigan yesterday.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the $787 billion plan. It takes federal money, infusing it into state projects, like the Route 34 bridge. The idea, invest money in to America's infrastructure while creating new jobs.

"Because of the recovery funding, we are able to replace this bridge right now," said Governor Ed Rendell back in June, when Vice-President Joe Biden made his second stop to the Route 34 bridge.

The two touted the construction project as a perfect example of the stimulus money at work. The project price tag was $1.7 million. The money, being used to not only replace the bridge but employ 30 people.

"It's going to put our people back to work. It's going to create jobs, it's going to create wealth in the economy," Rendell said.

To this day, Pennsylvania has been awarded nearly $7 billion in stimulus money, putting an estimated 12,000 people to work. It's work that the Vice-President says may save our economy in the long run.

"it's going take a while to get out of this ditch. But it's working. It's working. The act has succeeded in helping pull us back from the brink," he said.

The Governor is set to make his appearance here today at 1:30 p.m. This event will just be a ceremonial reopening. The bridge has reopened to traffic. That reopening, taking place in November, several months ahead of schedule.

Copyright © 2010, WPMT-TV

Spousal Harrassment

My wife sometimes "just doesn't get it".  I can't tell you how many times I hear "how many pictures of the same thing are your gonna take".  Well, if you enjoy our creek I'm sure you'll appreciate and understand that the picture is never the same.  Mother nature assures that.  This morning there was another red sunrise over the creek behind the house.  Below is the actual pic and a photoshopped version - just for fun.